CS2 Deranking (Matchmaking) - is a service where you can select your current Boost Type, Mode and the Amount of Loses that you require from our team to provide it. We will swiftly jump in to it and provide fast and loses for you playing manually without any cheats or third party programs.
Deranking is available both for Solo and Duo types. Solo is where our player would play from your account and the Duo/Lobby is where you would join in our Party group.
There are 2 Boost Modes: Regular (no extra cost) and VIP Priority Order (+15% extra) which puts your Order on the top priority making us to complete it much more faster then the regular orders.
Matchmaking Derank
Q. How long it does whole this process takes?
A. 1 Lose takes approximately 10-15 Minutes.
Q. Is Elo/Rank deranking safe?
A. It is absolutely safe and secure as we providing this service as a 5 man stack. We are doing regularly 8 - 10 losses each day without any issues. It is done Manually (by a real hand), we do not use any Cheats or 3rd party softwares!
Q. If i place an Order, how and when will you Contact me?
A. We would contact you through your billing E-Mail Address, usually within 1 hour after the purchase.